Your child has a fever? No reason to panic

When a baby’s temperature rises and the little one doesn’t feel well, mom and dad’s anxiety also grows. Here are some simple tips for you to reverse course and deal with the “headache” of a fever, which often makes parents more sick than the children who are affected.

A connected thermometer puts anxiety KO

If you want to face your child’s fever effortlessly, a connected infrared thermometer – either for the ear or forehead – is the most suitable calming device to allay your parental anxiety. The app connected to the thermometer allows you to check your baby’s measurements at any time on a shared folder online, even remotely. So you will always feel directly connected with your baby, even when you are at work.

Use the thermometer 3 times a day

Even if you may be a little worried, do not measure your baby’s fever every 5 minutes: you risk stressing both the baby and the thermometer. Remember that 3 measurements a day are enough to keep temperature under control: morning, afternoon and evening. And if you are away from home and have chosen a connected infrared thermometer for measurements, keep anxiety at bay by only occasionally checking fever trends online.

A fever journal always within reach, on your smartphone

If you have a connected thermometer and your baby’s fever is not subsiding, you won’t need to copy the measurements by hand when you go to the doctor, or even remember anything by heart. You can simply consult the history recorded by the connected thermometer on the app you will have downloaded on your smartphone. Or, if you want, you can send the doctor an e-mail before you meet, with all the data on the course of the fever in just one click!

Forget about grandma’s remedies

We live in the twenty-first century now, so how about letting go of so-called “grandmother’s remedies” to cure your baby’s fever? As all paediatricians recommend, cold showers and ice packs are not only useless for lowering the temperature but can also be counterproductive: they cause chills and therefore a rise in temperature as well as further discomfort for the child, who may already be a little exhausted by the fever itself.

Teething does not make the temperature rise

It might have been a good excuse not to worry too much when your baby had a fever. Unfortunately, however, it’s a complete myth. Your paediatrician will surely have repeated this several times: there is no such thing as “teething fever”. In any case, if your little one has a fever, always react calmly and coolly, driving away any anxiety.

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