Wireless infrared thermometers: beyond fever?

The era of thermometers that simply took your body temperature and gave you a number is over. Today, a fever can also be measured with a wireless infrared thermometer. These new devices look identical to the classic ones we all know: they can take the temperature from the ear or forehead, so choose the model that best suits you according to your expectations on wireless infrared thermometers. If you don’t know where to start, we are here to help!

A digital journal is an invaluable tool to manage a fever

You know perfectly well that, in your life, you’ll come down with a fever now and then. At the beginning of each winter, place the thermometer on your bedside table: a fever is always around the corner, triggered by a cold, the presence of a virus in the office or simply a sudden change in the weather. This is why you should choose a wireless infrared thermometer: it is the only model that allows you to always have an up-to-date and accurate journal of your temperature values – which are crucial factors in monitoring and treating a fever.

A wireless infrared thermometer never forgets

If you’re afraid you’ll lose your fever history, wireless infrared thermometers can help. All your temperature measurements are in fact automatically stored in a virtual online folder that you can access at any time, through the app connected to the thermometer. When the wireless thermometer measures your temperature, values are stored with a date and time both on the device and on the connected app.

With wireless infrared thermometers, you are always at your baby’s side

Are you a parent and your little one has a fever? A wireless infrared thermometer can help you banish anxiety. The sharing system installed on wireless thermometers allows you to stay close to your feverish child even while you are at work. Thanks to the connected app, you can be updated in real time on the course of the fever by receiving an e-mail every time there is a new measurement. Great help, right?

A single wireless infrared thermometer can track the whole family

Are you part of a large family, where perhaps everyone shares the same doctor? If that is the case, opt for a wireless thermometer with a dedicated app that can activate multiple profiles. There are new-generation infrared thermometers that allow you to automatically store fever readings for up to 8 different people. All individual users’ measurements are recorded on the smartphone app connected to the wireless thermometer, and can be shared with the doctor, even in real time... just a click and you can’t go wrong!

Choose a connected thermometer with a reliable application

To choose the best wireless infrared thermometer, you should also take into account the app connected to the device. Software in new, connected thermometers can do more than monitor your fever or your child’s: by connecting with your smartphone, some models can analyse the patient’s temperature depending on their age, and even suggest a possible protocol to follow among those included in a database of medical standards. Remember, however, that a fever should not be handled by a computer alone and requires a doctor to step in. To avoid complications, choose a wireless thermometer with a complete but reliable and certified application.

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