All the stages of body temperature
Our body temperature is not always the same. In normal conditions it is 37° C (98,6° F), but natural variations are caused by such factors as sleep and meals, and others by the ambient temperature and physical activity.
Body temperature is a product of metabolism, and heat is the energy released from the work done by the cells, mainly those of the liver, brain, heart and active muscles. But it is not the same all day. There are natural variations and others caused by the external environment and by physical activity. Under normal conditions, over the space of 24 hours, body temperature reaches its minimum during the morning hours and its maximum towards the late afternoon.
Body temperature is normally between 36° and 37° degrees
Core body temperature is controlled by the hypothalamus, part of the brain. This is a kind of organic thermostat which, independently of the outside environment, keeps the body temperature at 36° to 37° C (96,8° to 98,6° F) in normal conditions.
Winter and summer play their part
Winter and summer affect body temperature, and heat distribution in particular. In winter, for example, the temperature of the throat may be 37° C (98,6° F), while the knees may be a few degrees cooler. In summer, on the other hand, the heat is less concentrated in a few areas, and more homogeneous.
Body temperature and sleep
The metabolism of a normally healthy person slows down when they're asleep, and their body temperature falls. When they wake up, their temperature rises with your metabolism.
Exercise heats up the body
After a hard session at the gym, a person's body temperature may rise by up to 3° C (37,4° F) and stay high for several hours after they've finished. The phenomenon of thermogenesis increases perspiration and vasodilatation to eliminate the excess heat.
Meals create a reserve of temperature
Body temperature rises after a meal, because the digestive system releases more heat to absorb the food consumed. The temperature will depend on how many calories the meal contained, and in particular how much protein.
Women's body temperature
In women of childbearing age, body temperature varies with the menstrual cycle. It's about 0.5° C (32,9° F) lower before ovulation, then rises by about half a degree during ovulation and stays the same during the second half of the cycle.